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shore station中文是什么意思

用"shore station"造句"shore station"怎么读"shore station" in a sentence"shore station"的同义词


  • 岸边测站
  • 岸上定位台
  • 海岸电台


  • It is very lightly used , and after february , 1999 , ship stations and shore stations will no longer be required to monitor this frequency for calls
  • Under the current phytoplankton monitoring programme , water samples are taken every week from 11 fish culture zones and five off - shore stations bi - weekly to detect harmful algal species and development of red tides
  • Chapter two is the research results and discussion , which consist of distributions of cell density , fluorescent characteristic per cell of ultraphytoplankton . synechococcus and picoeukaryotes are abundant in all stations of east china sea and yellow sea , and prochlorococcus ca n ' t be found in near - shore stations
    第二章为在东、黄海所做工作的主要成果阐述,主要分析了由流式细胞计获得的超微型浮游植物细胞密度、单细胞荧光在各站位的分布特征,结果如下:聚球藻( synechococcussp
  • The condition of profiles in outer station did n ' t change much in spring cruise , but showed more variable in near - shore stations when observed in different time . fluorescent characteristic per cell can be obtained by flowcytometric analysis . based on fluorescence data of synechococcus of all stations , two distinctly pigment - containing cell types coexisting can be found in some stations of east china sea , which located in all depth of p3 , mixlayer of e7 , 40 - meter depth of e6 of autumn cruise and in mixlayer of p2 of spring cruise
    通过对流式细胞计测量的细胞荧光结果来看,在秋季的p3 、 e7整个混合层、 e6站40米层,春季的p2站均发现有两群不同色素含量的聚球藻( high一pe和low一pe )共存现象,极有可能分别属于不同品系,春季共存站位位置比秋季时更靠外,表明在秋季p3 、 e7等站位的共存是季节性现象,可能与此季节黑潮次表层水沿陆架坡涌升入侵到中陆架有关,水团的运动及混合使从外海迁移而来的high一pe与近岸的low一pe得以共存,在春季,由于长江冲淡水的日渐强盛,在中陆架区的共存区域有所外移。
  • The changes of prochlorococcus distribution zones between two seasons perhaps are correlation with the influence of diluting fresh waters of yangtze river . observed from the depth profiles of ultraphytoplankton abundance , a parallel character can be found among synechococcus , picoeukaryotes and nanoeukaryotes . the shape of profile are usually homogeneous in near - shore station during autumn cruise such as el , e3
    秋季各类型在近岸站位如e1 、 e3等站具有均匀的分布结构,这与此时站位水体混合均匀有关,在外海站位,各型大量分布于上混合层,在温度跃层以下的华东师范大学博士毕业论文密度相比上混合层要小得多。
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